Stop Press - Cyclone Impacts
Planned future Hamfest Attendance
Product News
Specials Focus
Clearance Products
Cyclone Impacts - At the time of writing we understand our warehouse may have had some flood impacts, it,s still not possible to visit and confirm, we are hoping to resume on Wednesday with shipments.
Planned future Hamfest Attendance
After a busy February (especially in VK3) we plan to be at the following events:
Sunshine Coast Car Boot Sale Saturday March 22
Dural Car Boot Sale 30th March
Redfest QLD April 14
Product News
We are expanding our transceiver range including the addition of selected Yaesu products, Rigol test gear and some interesting handhelds. Also some new Anytone 10M rigs. You can always see new products after they are added
Some interesting new products now available:
Icom Handheld antenna adaptor to BNC - similar to Icoms IC-41W for the IC-41PRO
We also now stock an adaptor for Motorola handhelds to SO239
Specials Focus
We have sourced some USB-C chargable batteries for the popular Quanshang UV-K5 handheld. If you have not yet played with one of these we have a special bundle of the Handheld and a second battery at a special price. The factory spec battery does not have a USB connector. These handhelds have a variety of open source firmware and mods to enable sideband, HF coverage and spectrum display capabilities. Great value for $45 with two batteries!

We also have some hot QRP Xiegu specials for the next two weeks

Clearance Products
We are doing a review of our range and some of the slower moving products are on clearance, more will be added, and we have put a clearance page on the menu bar.